Where do artists find inspiration?

Artists find inspiration in absolutely everything. Environment, upbringing, life experience, culture, race, religion, love, the internet, history, beauty, education, and more can inspire an artist. Artists take their life experiences and what they really care about, and use those to create their pieces.

“I’ve always enjoyed interacting with people. From the time that I was a child, I would take care of myself. I was brought up to be really self-reliant. I would go door-to-door, selling gift-wrapping paper, candies, chocolates—and I always enjoyed that I never knew who would open the door. It’s the same interaction that happens as an artist, wanting this communication. All of a sudden that door opens and you don’t know what odor is going to come out of the house. You don’t know what’s on the stove, cooking. You don’t know what the furniture is going to look like, what type of clothing the person’s going to have on, if he or she is going to be old, young, grumpy, happy. You just dive into that moment and start trying to communicate, to have an interaction in which both of you can find meaning.” -Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons seems to get his inspiration from people, and how he is able to communicate with them in person and through his art.

“I often look at the paintings, especially some of the earlier work, and recognize things from my childhood or things that I’ve witnessed or experienced.” -Laylah Ali

Laylah Ali draws inspiration from her own past experiences, as most artists do.

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